Entries from 2012-08-01 to 1 month

Exclusive: Algeria's Brahimi agrees to be Syria mediator – sources

Wholesale nike nfl t-shirt Veteran Algerian diplomat Lakhdar Brahimi has agreed to replace Kofi Annan as the international mediator on Syria, though he intends to take a fresh approach as the 17-month-old conflict slips deeper into civil w…

Suspected militants attack Pakistan air force base

Customized jersey Suspected Islamist militants armed with assault rifles and hand grenades attacked one of Pakistan's largest air bases on Thursday, air force and security officials said, in a brazen challenge to the nuclear-armed country'…

Decision on Assange Asylum Thursday: Ecuador Official

Nike nfl t-shirt in discount ean officials said today that they would announce their final decision on whether to grant asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange tomorrow, but also claimed that the British government had threatened to rai…

Voting rights issue heats up in battleground states Ohio, Pennsylvania

2012 nhl jersey wholesale A Pennsylvania judge handed Democrats a setback on Wednesday when he upheld the election battleground state's controversial voter identification law, which civil rights groups argued discriminates against minority…

Syrian prime minister defects, fighting goes on

Nike nfl jersey Syrian forces pressed on with their offensive against rebels in the largest city Aleppo after the prime minister fled the country, denouncing the "terrorist regime" of Bashar al-Assad.The defection of Riyad Hijab - who like…

Obama: America needs "soul searching" on gun violence

Atlanta Braves jersey cheap President Barack Obama said on Monday that mass killings like the shooting rampage at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin were occurring with "too much regularity" and should prompt soul searching by all Americans, but h…

Standard Chartered may lose NY license over Iran ties

Wholesale cheap nike t-shirt In a rare move, New York's top bank regulator threatened to strip the state banking license of Standard Chartered Plc, saying it was a "rogue institution" that hid $250 billion in transactions tied to Iran, in …

University brings capitalism to reclusive North Korea

Customized jerseys wholesale Capitalism, in hermit North Korea, is normally associated with moral and economic ruin.The Korea-born American who heads Pyongyang's only private university is trying to change that. He believes he has the supp…

Syrian leader Assad's planes pound vital prize of Aleppo

Texas Rangers mlb jersey President Bashar al-Assad's forces used artillery, planes and a helicopter gunship to pound rebel positions in Syria's biggest city, witnesses said, in a battle that could determine the outcome of the 17-month upri…

Romney attacks Obama in Indiana

Nike nfl t-shirt for sale Mitt Romney attacked what he calls "an extraordinary series of policy failures" from President Barack Obama, but said Saturday that America is "poised to take off economically."The Republican presidential contende…


Custom jerseys 湖南新闻网消息 7月28日至8月2日,中央纪委常委、监察部副部长屈万祥率国务院督查组来湘,对湖南省房地产市场调控政策落实情况进行督导检查。省委书记、省人大常委会主任周强与督查组交换了意见。省委副书记、省长徐守盛,省委常委、省纪委书…

李宗伟林丹决赛再见面 李永波放出豪言必定卫冕

Cheap baseball jersey 已经结束的混双和即将展开的女单决赛,都是中国军团的内战,只有最引人注目的男单大战,将上演林丹和李宗伟的巅峰对决!他们分别力克李荽一和陈金会师决赛。这是代表一个时代的终极剧情,是林丹成就奥运史上首个男单卫冕?还是李宗伟…

Jobs report has something for both Obama and Romney

Women nike nfl jerseys wholesale than-expected job creation in July, President Obama avoided a major blow in Friday’s unemployment report. But the rise in the jobless rate to 8.3 percent, up from 8.2 percent, mitigated the positive news – …


Custom nike jersey 8月1日凌晨,中国游泳小将叶诗文再次获得伦敦奥运会女子200米个人混合泳金牌,并且以2分07秒57的成绩再次刷新了奥运纪录。这是她夺取女子400米混合泳冠军之后的又一块金牌。 自夺得第一块奥运会金牌后,外界对叶诗文的质疑就不断。英国…

双台风同日登陆中国大陆历史罕见 江苏应急响应

Nike nfl t-shirt 面对今年第9号、第10号台风可能对江苏省形成的影响,1日下午,江苏省及时启动防台风Ⅲ级应急响应。中共江苏省委书记罗志军对做好防台风工作作批示。江苏省长李学勇到江苏省防汛抗旱指挥部召开防御台风紧急会议,他表示,双台风同时在24小时…

19枚奖牌写奥运新历史 “菲鱼”获得奥巴马祝贺

MLB jerseys women 尽管400米个人混合泳和200米蝶泳两个单项未能见金,尽管他领衔的4×100米自由泳接力只收获一枚银牌,但这无碍其成为有史以来最伟大的奥运选手——随着7月31日美国队强势夺得男子4×200米自由泳接力金牌,迈克尔·菲尔普斯将自己的奥运金牌数和…