Entries from 2012-08-26 to 1 day

With Samsung win on Galaxy Tab, judge may reconsider U.S. ban

Nike nfl Arizona Cardicals t-shirt Apple Inc's legal victory on Friday over Korean rival Samsung Electronics Co Ltd was crushing but for one key front in its global smartphone and tablet patent war: Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1.The jury in Sa…

Romney's convention: Big storm, rape controversy

Cheap mlb jersey wholesale His Republican National Convention curtailed by a threatened hurricane, Mitt Romney conceded Sunday that fresh controversy over rape and abortion is harming his party and he accused Democrats of trying to exploit…

Apple jurors grappled with complex patent issues

NHL 75Th Anniversary jersey The youngest juror, a 24-year-old whose favorite court attire was T-shirts bearing names of rock bands, chose a Beatles sweatshirt for Friday's dramatic unveiling of the $1.05 billion verdict in favor of compute…