Would You Give Your Kids Raw Milk?

Wholesale nfl jersey Every other Friday morning, I drive to a local dairy farm and wait in a long line of cars until a refrigerated white van rolls up and parks at the top of the driveway. The cars creep slowly forward, single file, as each person's bi-weekly order of milk, cheese, and other farm-fresh dairy products - which we place, in advance of pickup, via an online spreadsheet-- is filled by the farmer himself. Customers include stay-at-home-moms and their kids, business people on their lunch breaks, athletes, health-enthusiasts - it's a diverse crowd. But we're all there for one reason. You think breast milk is the most coveted, controversial beverage in America today? Try raw cow's milk. For many moms, it's the natural successor to breast milk's throne. For many other enthusiasts,nike nfl jerseys cheap it's simply liquid gold.
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I ended up in the Friday morning line routine for two reasons. One is that Kaspar, who's slowly 'outgrowing' a bunch of his countless food allergies (which he's had since, or since shortly after, birth) , could - six months ago - eat yogurt and kefir (both cultured dairy products), but milk, taken straight, gave him hives. Like, full body and face-hives, right away. Not the kind of reaction I was willing to mess around with, given our emergency-prone general circumstances. He drank hemp milk quite happily for many months as I wondered why cow's milk was a problem for him when its cultured products seemed okay.
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Then I tried to make yogurt -- which I'd done successfully many times before Kaspar was born -- from the ultra-pasteurized (that's actually the technical term) organic milk sold in Texan grocery stores. It didn't work. It just… remained... milk. Ncaa jerseys cheap With my foodie curiosity piqued, I did a bit of research around pasteurization, and in the process learned why Kaspar's body was behaving badly upon ingesting pasteurized milk: pasteurization kills the enzymes and other mico-life within milk that helps the body break it down and assimilate it. Without that good active bacteria stuff, the body thinks the milk is a bad, foreign substance and launches an attack against it. This causes all sorts of weird, often chronic inflammation-related health issues in most people -- issues people seek treatment and medication for, but may not link directly to dairy consumption -- but for an already food-sensitive, hyper-immune-situation kiddo like Kaspar, it caused a more direct, immediate allergic response we could actually see.
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Raw milk, on the other hand, remains intact, hosting all of those happy belly-boosters, and more. It's been revered in Ayurvedic (traditional Indian) medicine and science for centuries as a 'sattvic' food, nike t-shirt wholesale which means it's balancing and nourishing to the whole body, for everyone, whatever your body type (some foods, in contrast, are considered good for some body types and harmful to others). I've been interested in Ayurvedic medicine ( I recommend some good books on this here) since I landed upon it in investigating ways to address Kaspar's nonstop eczema woes, and got hooked on its cool approach to cooking, and treating food as the primary tool for establishing and maintaining one's health. I've always loved cooking, so this captured my interest as a new outlet for my favorite hobby. We've seen incredible improvements in Kaspar's skin since working with a pediatric Ayurvedic specialist , though, and I've also discovered some cool new approaches to food and eating which benefit our whole family. One of those great discoveries has been raw milk. Ayurveda and yogurt (and, fundamentally, Kaspar) happened to lead me there.
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Wholesale nhl jersey Kaspar has been able to drink the raw stuff from the get-go, hive free. His whole system's improved so much in the past six months or so, too, that he's even able to drink pasteurized milk now, as well; we don't buy it for home, but it's good in an on-the-go pinch. He's also eating countless fruits and vegetables that used to cause a problem for him, now without the problems.There are a lot of moms out there who swear raw milk cured their kids of severe food allergies, and other serious ailments. (We didn't set out to make that happen -- I just got curious and wanted to give it a whirl.) Non-parents who love the stuff are equally enthused: proponents, as this recent New Yorker article on the subject states, profess raw milk "confers numerous health benefits-vitality, digestive vigor, strong teeth, clear skin-and even has the power to treat serious ailments, such as diabetes, cancer, and autism."
The rest of that article's really good, too. It's not a big rah-rah (raw-raw?) milk fest, either; it presents both sides. And I'll be honest: when I read it, nhl jerseys free shipping the other side gave me pause. Raw milk is a hotly debated, highly political issue, and its constituents on both sides are diametrically opposed.